Monday 3 February 2014

2013 with coffee, the landscape and my family


It's only when we stop and take a look at the photos we took during the year that we realise just what  has been achieved.  The landscape informs  my work so a camera  is an important piece of equipment.  When I go for coffee, I like to plan new projects so a journal isn't far from my side either...

Welcome friends!  Here are some of  my capers from last year.   Crochet, magazines and coffee always go well together! 

A coffee a day...
There are some very creative baristas here in Brisbane!!!!
  I love that they try to make it artistic because I create! 

Indulging now and then is okay...a coffee can't sit alone on the table...

 Some of my favourite magazines

Nature informs much of my work. I never tire of flowers...

     or sunsets!!  These from our house on the hill are awesome. 

 Meet my children...Leo, Phoebe and  of course, the furry one, Hunni  :-)

 Throughout the year, I make prints and handmade books and use yarn/thread to stitch them together. 

This is a project I do each year - a meander pocket calendar of photos from the year. 
it's another way of  putting in one place, memories of  what's been achieved and treasured throughout the busy year.

 These were the sweetest little origami knitted purses
from Frankie -  you can find them here:

And who could stop at one???   this is 8ply.

The Christmas fabric is 10 ply and was a bit chunky.

This window sits above my bed.  It's images like this that make me love this place.

For more images of sunsets, go to my Instagram account, @ludouglas

Thanks for dropping by. And when I learn some more about how to post blogs properly :-), I'll be back here and hope you will too.

Lu x


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